
Cenforce D


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 A new generation pill that can help you increase the love and pleasure in your lives along with solving the problem of premature ejaculation is CENFORCE D. The active ingredient is SILDENAFIL CITRATE along with DAPOXETINE which not only helps for harder and sustainable erections but also helps controls the emission which is premature so that your moments lasts for a longer time. Despite the usefulness of the medicine, you must refer it to a doctor and consume the medicine after the doctor’s recommendation to avoid any kind of side effects. The manufacturer of the pills is CENTURION LABORATORIES PVT. LTD. 

Cenforce D


An alternative pill against viagra which has a long-lasting effect on the issue of Erectile Dysfunction problems in men. Though CENFORCE D is said to be a perfect solution the other side says that it is not a permanent solution as it fades away as soon as the effect of the medicine is over. The issue of impotence makes the men frustrated and shy as they are unable to open up about their problem to others and it also breaks a relationship but after the usage of this medicine, our customers are satisfied with the results and have made their relationship stronger and long-lasting. 


To bring back their relationship on track after the issue of ED, Buy Cenforce D is used. If you act in accordance to the instruction provided by your doctor then Cenforce d is none other than a blessing for you. To satisfy the needs of your partner and you are the main objective of these pills. 


The medicine needs to be taken 30 mins to 1 hour before the play of pleasure begins and after that, you only need sexual stimulation for the medicine to get active and provide you the results. Once the medicine is activated the SILDENAFIL CITRATE present in the medicine will relax the muscles and the blood vessels allowing ample amount of blood flow. It also boosts the cGMP enzymes which relaxes the lungs and the heart so that there is normal flow of blood to the penis without forcing it from the heart. Dapoxetine on the other hand is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor that helps in increasing the amount of serotonin in the nerves which gradually increases ejaculation.


The dosage to be taken is directly dependent on the doctor and the prescription provided by him and even the way to consume it but if asked in general the medicine needs to be taken 30 mins to 1 hour before getting close enough. The important thing to take care of is not breaking or chewing it as this would reduce the results of the medicine.

Taking it along with water on an empty stomach is a good option but if you want you can even take it along with a meal but it should be lighter as a heavier meal would take time to show its results. Consuming the medicine along with alcohol is not preferable as this would reduce the effectiveness rather you should leave alcohol till the time you are taking this medicine. Any type of fruit juice is prohibited along with the medicine. 


Missed dose:

The forgetfulness of consuming the medicine may not have many adverse effects. You even have a chance of taking the medicine whenever you remember but do not try to overdose it by taking 2 pills together as it has adverse effects on health. If you are thinking of taking the medicine then keep a space of 24 hours between two schedules or else you can skip the medicine. 


As a mistake or to increase the pleasure you should never try to consume more than the advised dose as this would cause side effects which can have life-threatening effects on health and need immediate treatment and rush to hospital. 






Muzzy vision

A gastric upset





  • The medical history of the patient should be known to the doctor 
  • The medicine is not for consumption by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding and children 
  • Work of concentration should be avoided after the consumption.
  • Issue of hypertension or blood pressure-related patients are advised to avoid the medicine and if they still want then refer to a doctor.
  • Alcohol and any other fruit juice are to be avoided along with the medicine.
  • Medicines containing nitrates or nitrogen are not to be taken along with this medicine.
  • If you have an allergy to any of the substances in Cenforce then avoid taking the medicine.
  • If you have already started with any other medicine for the problem of impotence then do not take this medicine along.
  • Breaking or chewing of medicine will not allow the medicine to work for what it is meant. 


The right place to keep the medicine is to keep it at room temperature. Refrigeration of the medicine should not be done unless asked. The bathroom and wet places are not meant for this medicine so find a clean and dry place to store the medicine.

The instructions say that it is not meant for children so avoid it from them and keep it away from their reach. Your pets may also suffer from side effects if consumed with this medicine. If the need for medicine is no more or the medicine has expired then you need to throw it in thrash but do not flush the medicine. 


Cenforce 150

Cenforce 100 

Cenforce 200 

Cenforce Tablet

Cenforce Soft 100

Cenforce FM

Cenforce 130 

Cenforce 120

Cenforce 50 

Cenforce 25 

Cenforce Professional 100 

Cenforce oral jelly


1) Is it safe to purchase Cenforce D without a prescription?

Purchase of the medicine without a prescription seems like taking the medicine without knowing the proper dose which is life-threatening. Hence, it is necessary to know the right dosage by consulting a doctor.

2) How long does the effectiveness of the medicine last?

The effectiveness of the medicine is expected to last from 4- 6 hours but it may differ according to the body of the individual.

3) Where is Cenforce D available?

The medicine can be purchased Cenforce D online but it is better to buy it from a trusted site like healthsympathetic.com  there are still some people who are not familiar with online purchasing and for them, they can buy it from medical stores near you.

4) Does the medicine increase the penis size?

No, The medicine is for the issue of erectile dysfunction and it cannot be taken for the increase in the penis. You should visit your doctor for such issues.

5) Is this medicine safe?

If the medicine is consumed according to the prescription by following all the precautions then Cenforce D is totally safe to be taken. 

6) For people consuming alcohol is it safe?

People taking alcohol should avoid it till the time they are taking the pills as the effectiveness of the pills reduces with the consumption of alcohol.

Active Ingredient



Erectile Dysfunction


Centurion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.


10 Tablets in Strip

Delivery Time

6 to 15 Days


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